Do you do heavy workouts where you perspire a lot? You know, where the sweat comes from above your hairline and runs down your forehead. You always try to wipe or mop it off your forehead before it gets onto your glasses or in your eyes but you don’t always get to it in time. Maybe you’ve got both hands on the wheel or handlebar and can’t spare one to keep your vision A-1. That happens to me every time I mow the lawn. You have to wear protective goggles, right? But they don’t protect against sweat, either spotting up the goggles or stinging your eyes. |
Sorry there’s not an app for that, but there is a stick-on. Picture an additional eyebrow above each of your own. They’re called Wicks, adhesive any-color-you-want pads the size and shape of eyebrows and what they do is redirect the sweat away from your eyes and glasses or goggles to run down the sides of your face or down the bridge of your nose.

A mountain biker came up with the concept. He was always getting stinging sweat in his eyes and then crashing. He tried sweatbands but they wouldn’t fit under his helmet. They’re good for anyone who overheats and whose hands are busy doing something else - runners, climbers, firefighters, sports team players, bikers, to name a few.

Wicks come in a rainbow of colors, 10 pairs to the set, $7.99 for a set of 20 plus $1.99 flat rate shipping
for a total of $9.98. www.eyewicks.com
Wicks strips are made with a medical-grade adhesive. People with Latex Allergies may have a reaction and should not use Wicks if they do. Do not use over sores, sunburned or irritated skin.
The inventor says: “As a native South Floridian, hot and humid temperatures have always been a part of my everyday life, and as with any tropical climate, excessive sweat is sure to follow. The idea came while mountain biking on the sandy trails of Quiet Waters Park during a blazing hot Summer afternoon. After years of riding and suffering from sweat filled burning and blurred vision I probed the internet to find a sweat deterrent system that would allow me to finish an epic ride while also maintaining full use of both hands. After trying countless ineffective products and encountering one crash too many, I was inspired to design a practical system that effectively channels sweat away from your eyes to be used in any physically demanding activity.”
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Wicks are small adhesive strips that you apply directly above your eyebrows to channel sweat away from your eyes. Unlike the unreliable sweat bands and do-rags created decades ago, Wicks provides a comfortable and cutting edge design that actually works. Standard helmet pads, bandanas and headbands are often too bulky, uncomfortable and eventually become saturated with sweat rendering them useless. Wicks are designed to work during any activity. Whether you are jogging, playing basketball, rock climbing or engaged in good ole manual labor you no longer have to experience the blurred vision and stinging sensation of sweat dripping in your eyes. For the fashion conscious at heart, Wicks comes in a variety of colors that won’t dampen your style. Choose a skin tone that blends in with the color of your skin or for the more bold/adventurous type there are multiple color options to choose from. Wicks are safe to use made from surgical grade bandaging materials that are durable enough for extending use. Some of the other advantages Wicks provide; they are comfortable, light weight, inexpensive, cutting edge design, does not interfere with a helmet, convenience of a single use product, compact and easily stores anywhere. You will probably forget you are wearing them. Unfortunately you can’t stop sweat from happening, but with Wicks you can divert sweat from reaching your eyes in a simple and convenient way Each Wick Strip has a special adhesive that, when properly placed above each eyebrow re-directs the sweat from running into your eyes. |
Mountain bikers came up with the idea but any physically active person during play or work knows that stinging eyes or blurred vision is a problem.