by Lynn Rosen
When you visit Portlandia, you get this overwhelming urge to merge, fit in. You want to go find a bike and commute to work, get a nose piercing or a tattoo, shop at Powell’s Books, grab a meal from one of the notorious downtown food carts or stay on the edge of The Pearl District at McMenamin's weird Crystal Hotel...more |
by Vicki Andersen
Modern fur trappers haven’t been forgotten as the Fur Rondy moved into the 21st Century. They still flock to the State Hide & Horn Auction and the Rondy Fur Auction to find buyers for their goods. At the end of the week, many of them can be found bellied up to the tables of the Texas Hold ‘Em Tournament of Champions....more |
LUTSEN MT, MINNESOTA: Winter Pleasures in the North Country, by
Larry Turner
Listening to the wind outside was like being inside one’s body listening to one’s skin, haunting but impenetrable to the wind. The winter elements in the North Country are very real so you have to be well prepared when slipping out into its realm. It is worth it for the wildness that you experience. As the old Minnesota proverb says: “There is no bad weather, only the wrong clothing.”...more
WESTERDAM AT SEA-How to Lose a Pound a Day on a Cruise, by Ted Blishak
Readily available ice cream between meals had been my downfall on earlier cruises. We don't have desserts at home, so in spite of firm intentions, my will-power had always disappeared. This was a triple crisis! We'd be risking not only our willpower, but also our wardrobes and my health. But I really didn't want to miss the cruise and the chance to meet other journalists....more |
AVENTURA AMOROSA PORTUGUÉSA (Portuguese Romance) by Les Furnanz
By the end of dinner we felt
like long-time friends. Alfredo
and Georgia’s story of romance had captured our hearts. They first met
Lisbon in 1967. He was a popular club singer, and she was an American
stewardess with a weekly Lisbon stopover. “Truly love at first sight,”
he said,
nodding at her....more |
Three cheetah brothers were trying to nap in the shade of a tree while we kept moving the vehicle by a few feet to get the best angle. They would get up, look disdainfully at us (as only a cat can), find a new place and throw themselves on the ground in exasperation that we were still there....more |
Who we are: For brief bios on the writers who form this Pacific Northwest collective, please click here. |