Feature stories for the Adventurous
European Finds, Worldwide Adventures @ Travel Destinations
2009 Vol 13 , No. 4 Steve Giordano, Editor
"Life is being on the wire. Everything else is just waiting." That's life according to Karl Wallenda, patriarch of The Great Wallendas. His grandson Rick Wallenda recently broke Karl's record for distance walked on the high wire, and Rick is currently training a young "natural," ten-year-old Briana Phelps, and her sixteen-year-old brother Nathan. That's her on the 50-foot swaypole in the Karl Wallenda Court, Sarasota Florida. Click here for their story, videos and more.

The land of the Umpqua conjures up memories of blackberry picking as a child. Between hay cuttings—in the doldrums of summer, with the August moon waning—Mom and Dad would load my brother and two sisters and me in the old ’51 black Chevy and we would head to the Umpqua River near Elkton, Oregon, 230 miles from our hometown of Malin, Oregon. ...More
Haystack Rock at Cannon Beach is 235 feet high. The world’s third largest offshore monolith, this intertidal sea stack is home to rookeries for four species of birds. Denizens of its tide pools include anemones, nudibranches, crabs, sponges, mussels, barnacles, limpets, snails and sea stars. Protected as a National Wildlife Refuge and Marine Garden, you cannot collect plants or animals, nor disturb nesting birds. ...More
George Vetter photo
Not all the art in Minneapolis is in galleries, museums and theaters. Even with cultural icons like the Guthrie Theater, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis Institute of Arts and the Hennepine Avenue Theater District, for people appreciating the arts, things are looking up. Literally. ...More

Now two, two Baby Bald Eagle Cams, in the nest, real time in two different British Columbia locations: Click the left picture for the nest on Vancouver Island near Sidney and right for the other on Hornby Island.
This story was originally published on www.tripso.com.
British Columbia, Canada, has long been in the forefront of preservation of bald eagles. Right now (April/May 2009) two amazing webcams are capturing the unfolding progress of baby eaglets as they grow and are nurtured and raised. Enjoy the exceptional shows. Remember the nest is in the Pacific time zone. The Vancouver Island nest is in an old Garry oak tree in Sidney, BC - a suburb of Victoria, the capital of British Columbia, situated on the South end of Vancouver Island. The area is near the Swartz Bay ferry terminal on the Saanich Peninsula. Hornby Island is about one hundred miles north between Vancouver Island and the British Columbia mainland.
HUMOR: As the Worm Churns, by Lance Pugh
Traveling requires awareness of the flora and fauna, which can start in your own back yard. It is never too soon to open up the senses and get down to business.. ...more
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